The Blind Woodturner
I've seen references to the Blind Woodturner before when we've been out at local markets/events etc, but never really thought to do any digging into him as a person. Matthew told us all about Chris (the man himself) and when you only see the name, I didn't really think anything else of it.
But when you see his work, it's pretty unbelievable.
The art he produces, is so so good, regardless of being blind. He is also a patron of the UK Men's Shed Association (a great cause btw) and helps children with disabilities to overcome their challenges.
And whilst the art is great, there was one thing that I saw in the gallery today that I thought was fucking insane. There are concept drawings (with pencils), done by Chris, with colour, and they are exactly like the art he then creates. Apparently drawn just by feeling, absolutely, mad.
Either way - you need to check out Chris and his work, I cannot stress that enough. Go check out his stuff.
Peace out you sexy mofo's.